We know our amazing selection of products and our skill set for matching clients to helpful products aren't as accessible as we would like them to be if you don't live near one of our stores or have access to one of our mobile clinics. So, we've devised a plan to mitigate this problem, our answer: Discovery Boxes.
What is a Discovery Box? It's a box of Pink Regalia items hand picked by you (and us if you give us permission to help curate your selection) that are delivered to your home for you to try on your time for a $10 return shipping fee. You then ship back any unwanted items and we file your insurance for the items you keep and any future items you want us to send your way.
The short and sweet:
1) Pick 3 bras and 2 breast forms to try- Complete the Client Form.
2) Checkout using our Discovery Box code.
3) Try on items when they arrive.
4) Ship back any unwanted items within 3 days.
5) Enjoy wearing your hand picked mastectomy products :).
Your cost:
1) $10 Return Shipping Fee for anything you don't want to keep.
2) Any amount uncovered by your insurance (if any).
Pretty exciting isn't it?
We're excited to start this new service very soon! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send us a message, chat online, or give us a call at 828-785-1881.
Have a Blessed Week,